Campeona was founded in Barcelona in 1941. In the early days the company specialised in the manufacture of scales and coffee makers in the hospitality and food sector.
ampeona manufactured emblematic coffee makers such as the 501 line, Gilda, Diana and the Brasil model, for thirty years. It also marketed the mythical Nata-expres machine. In 1959 the company launched its first coffee maker designed for domestic use, the famous Bambina 8 model, under the “Put a bar in your home” campaign. In 1959 the company patented the Rapid Tea model, a device for preparing infusions, thereby starting the line of thermos flasks and all types of hot drink appliances, reinforced in the 1970s on the launch of the manual and automatic Multicafe models.
e are now famous for our wide range of thermos flasks, chocolate makers and all types of appliances for preparing, conserving and serving hot liquids: milk, water, coffee, soup, chocolate, tea, smoothies, food sauces and cosmetic creams. With over 70 years of experience in the sector, Campeona has become a benchmark in the domestic and international markets, maintaining the trust and loyalty of its customers.
We serve a wide range of establishments in the hospitality, mass catering, restaurant and cosmetics sectors, among others.